Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The Top Ten Reasons To Join A Book Club Even If You Hate To Read

Okay so maybe you’re not a big reader like I am. Perhaps, to you, reading is paging through a People magazine at the dentists office while you try to distract yourself from that upcoming root canal. It’s okay, not everyone loves to read, however everybody needs a little break from the mundane and if you happen to find the niche, the perfect book club won’t really be about reading at all.

  1. You get to hang with a diverse group of people. Make friends or enemies with someone you wouldn’t normally run in the same circles with. Branch out socially, it’s fun!
  2. Wine. Who doesn’t enjoy a good glass of vino? Book clubs tend, in my experience at least, to come with lots of it. So kick your feet up and get ready to poor yourself some chilled Chardonnay.
  3. Feel smart! Or just act like you’re a brainiac, no one will know and if you think you sound stupid you can always blame it on the wine.
  4. It’s a great excuse to buy new shoes. I mean who wants their book club to see them in the same wedges week after week and if you’re broke there is always Old Navy and their $1 flip flops.
  5. It’s a good excuse not to cook. There is usually an assortment of tasty goodies or maybe your club is lucky enough to meet at a fancy pub. Walla, dinner is served and you don’t even have to do the dishes. (Unless it’s your night to host, but we’re dwelling on the positives here.)
  6. Don’t judge a book club by it’s cover. Not all book clubs are about stuffy literary fiction. Find the right fit for you and if you really don’t like to read find a book club that doesn’t really read the book. There are tons of em out there just waiting for you.
  7. It sounds great just to say you’re in a book club. You’ve gained ten IQ points just from uttering the sentence. Doesn’t that make you feel smart?
  8. Book clubs are cheaper than eharmony! Enough said.
  9. Give your couch the night off. Doesn’t your sofa deserve a break from your reality TV addiction? Those cushions will thank you!
  10. Set a good example. Wether you want to impress your kids, your boss, or the family dog. Show them that you care about your brain. They do not need to know that book club is really about wine, food, or an excuse to buy shoes. It can be your little secret.
And, perhaps after all of the hoopla you’ll learn to love reading as much as I do. Happy book clubbing!

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