Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas Rides, Away We Go

When I was little Christmas was magic. We'd bundle into the car for the ride to Grandma and Grandpa's, singing Christmas carols all the way and gabbing non-stop as the car went along on it's merry way.

This year my sweet sister, adorable manly nephew, and I climbed into our red Christmas mobile laden down with presents for the folks. Then, off to Grandma and Grandpa's we rode singing cheesy Christmas carols all the way.

Tradition is important to me. Christmas jammies opened with tired eyes on Christmas Eve. The all important morning feast, eaten after every last present has been opened and oohed and ahhed over. Goopy salad (the ultimate ambrosia) made with blood-sweat-and-marshmallows. Some things never change and I pray they never do.

I hope you all had the merriest of days.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Duran Duran Forever!!

I got my first Duran Duran tape for Christmas when I was ten. It was Rio, and it was awesome. The magic of Duran Duran made that Christmas sparkly. I was in love.

Along with Duran Duran came a shiny new Sony Walkman. There couldn't have been anything better for me under that tree. That Walkman gave me the ability to have the lyrics of Simon Lebon in my head and that poetry was as intoxicating as it was sassy.

I remember wearing my best Duranie outfit, as I danced all over creation. The Walkman gave my generation the innate ability to tune out the rest of the world like nothing else before it ever had. And that Christmas, as I shimmied and shook my booty singing along with those British New Romantics I had my first taste of bratty independence.

I was hooked, and like most of the eighties' population I couldn't get enough Duran Duran. There were videos to stay up all night watching and movies to rent at blockbuster. Duran Duran in all their groupy euphoria. Hey, I wanted a "wristband" and anything else they wanted to sell me.

Of course we all had our favorites, but I loved Simon. Rodger was my second choice. Everyone was in love with John, and rightly so, he happens to be one of the prettiest faces to ever kill a bass. Nick was always too aloof for me, and Andy looked like he could be my brother. Nope, it was Simon of the pouty snarl and emotional vocal that won me over.

To this day I am still a die-hard Duranie. They are everything musical one could ask for, killer lyrics, catchy tunes, and the ballad that can still make a girl cry. 

So even now, all I want for Christmas is Duran Duran. They've been the best for 30 Christmases of my life and they aren't fading. If anything they are still just as bright and shiny as the day I first played them on my Sony Walkman. Duran Duran  forever!!!

You Are Not Alone

When I was five I was driving around with my dad in his horrible green Studebaker truck, when one of the tires came off and went rolling down the hill.

"Is that a fucking thing?" I asked him.

"Yes, Sarah, it sure is!"

There are lots of fucking things in life. I think we can all relay a memory or two or three of stubbing our toes in the dark of night or waking up the morning of "the big presentation you've been working on for months" with a fever of 104. 

Life isn't always rainbows and unicorns; it is mostly made up of flat tires, cold lattes, and forgetting that important something at the grocery store. 

I've been having a lot of these moments lately. A few weeks ago a glass of milk was lovingly spilled on my laptop, completely ruining it (whoever said you can't cry over spilt milk was an idiot), and then the automatic window on my car decided that it was an excellent time to completely stop working. 

And then...last night...this happened...

It began innocently enough: my child came in after school with a friend, setting his precious science homework on the table. This was no ordinary homework; this was weeks of leaf gathering and sorting and labeling. Hours spent pressing these little carefully itemized leaves into a special little binder. 

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed some coffee, leaving one of my sweet infant wards (I run a daycare) quietly playing with a squishy toy. In ten seconds flat that stealthy little baby had grabbed that damn binder!

I yelled the only thing that comes to mind in a moment like this "Oh fuck!" and ran for the binder, but it was too late. Science had been massacred!

What to do now? Send the binder anyway with a note saying, "Sorry, a baby ate my homework?"

My child was cool though.

"Mom, I'll take responsibility for leaving it where it could be attacked," he consoled me. 

I love that kid.

So when you're crying over that stubbed toe in the middle of the night, remember you are not alone. You share that ouchie appendage with the likes of Albert Einstein, Pocahontas, Marilyn Manson, and Oprah! 

I would love to hear about some of your less than stellar memories, please take a moment and share with me!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

I Believe In Santa Claus

I love Santa Claus. I know that most people really do love Santa, but I'm gaga.

I love the idea that he represents. You see Santa is real, very real! Santa is the spirit of giving without getting anything in return.

There is nothing like seeing a child's magical wonder as they spy the half eaten cookies and milk that were lovingly left for the red suited man, or the delight as they check-out their overflowing stockings. Santa brings mystery and excitement to us all. I think I even love him more as an adult!

I have compiled a list of my absolute favorite Santa Claus movies. The ones I try to catch year after year because they are so special to me. They are in no particular ranking because I love them we go!

1. One Magic Christmas - Will Ginny discover the spirit of Christmas before it's too late?

2. Santa Claus The Movie - Can Dudley Moore let go of his envy and save the day?

3. The Santa Clause - Becoming Santa isn't all it's cracked up to be, or is it?

4. Santa Claus Is Coming To Town - A classic treat. Great to watch while you're stringing popcorn.

5. This was my mom's favorite and so it reminds me of watching it with her for the very first time.

6. How The Grinch Stole Christmas - I can't even say how many times I've seen this. I love narration and I think this movie is the reason why.

7. The Year Without A Santa Claus - Nostalgia at its best. This one is awesome to watch while stringing those cranberries.

8. Elf - Well because it is wonderful!

9. All I Want For Christmas - A little jaunt about the meaning of Christmas.

10. The Polar Express - Visually stunning, a sleepy tale that warms my heart.

So these are my picks. Did any of yours make my list? What Santa Claus movies do you love?