Thursday, November 28, 2013

Frozen Turkey, It's What's For Dinner

One Thanksgiving, long ago, in a galaxy far far away...I cooked a frozen turkey.

Hey, I totally thought it would work. 48 hours later the family was still nestled around the dinner table, starving and snacking on anything they could find! 

This was the year that the stuffing was burnt, the pies were runny, and the mashed potatoes extra lumpy. This was the year that we had the best thanksgiving ever!

We laughed until our tummies were so sore from laughing that we didn't care that we might have missed that crazy food fest or that dinner was plain ruined. 

Nope, not us. We banded together and played board game after board game. Hasbro would have been proud.

Hope you all have a fantastic dinner with your loved ones and if the turkey sucks, forget about it and break out the old Clue game!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Inconceivable...A Dream Come True

Do you have a favorite book? A story that has stayed with you since childhood perhaps? Maybe a book that made you sob until you didn't have a single tear left, or laugh until your tummy ached.

My favorite book for many years was The Princess Bride by William Goldman. I read it in high school and then I read it again in my twenties. I've probably read that wonderful book about six or seven times now and I don't even want to tell you just how many times I've seen the movie. 

The tale is as classic as they come and as sentimental as it is funny. I hear they are turning it into a stage show! Yippee!!!

There was a failed attempt to make it a musical in 2007, but let's not dwell on the negative. I for one intend to be as happy as a Buttercup and a Wesley about the news.

Now on with the bad we have to wait. :)

It's The Climb

It's getting colder. The ground has begun to freeze and all the leaves have almost fallen. It reminds me of being human, of being imperfect, yet still hopeful.

We age every year, living, trying to attain something special with our time here. We all have different ideas, new ways of doing things....old ways that have been lovingly handed down to us. Our years are made up of everyday.

Some of us walk a hard road, or maybe we just think the road is harder because somewhere along the way we forgot to put on our shoes, we forgot to climb. 

When you climb you have no choice but to move up and moving up is truly what life is about.

Take each step along the way, one at a time, and don't forget to look back from time to time. It is the past that moves us forward.

Enjoy the journey......

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

10 Ways You Know You're Older Than Miley

1. You saw Beetlejuice before Miley was born

2. You thought twerking was something having to do with Twitter

3. You’d rather twerk with Alan Thicke than Robin Thicke

4. You remember watching Madonna roll on the ground performing “Like A Virgin” and you now consider it to be totally classy compared to Miley’s twerking

5. You worry more about Miley passing Thrush to general public than you do about “the weird tongue thing”

6. Miley and you have both ridden a wrecking ball naked, only you divorced yours

7. There is a part of you that wishes you looked that good riding a wrecking ball

8. You’ve licked a few hammers in your day that you wished you could take back too

9. Through all the controversy you still love Miley

10. You actually think that Miley reminds you a little of that girl you once were and you can’t wait to see who she becomes