So, last night I had a crazy apocalyptic dream. This wasn't your ordinary end of the world kind of fantasy. Oh no! This was my subconscious' idea of the end of our natural society.
In my apocalypse, the tragedy was that there was no longer DVD or Blueray players. You're aghast right? There were only....wait for it...VCRs! You are horrified right?
In the dream people were going ape-shit to find these dinosaur machines of the 80's. People were killing for Video Recording Devices.
I was huddled in a strange dusty garage. Bicycles were hanging from the rafters and boxes lined the walls. Some mad-killer-dudes were searching for the VCR, and I knew just where it was. I knew in my heart of hearts that I absolutely could not let them find it!!!!!
(Hey dreams are so weird)
The other big deal (for me) in this messed up future was that there were no longer any restaurants and all edible food was canned. So scary! There was, however; still electricity, bathtubs, and the US Mail system. :)
My Auntie B. was, in-fact, mailing me a giant box filled with the old TV recordings I had from childhood, and in that box was a coveted recording of the made for TV Family Ties movie where they go to England. Yay!!!!
A world without restaurants, and only VCRs, could society live???
What would your personal apocalypse have in store for the world?
Hahaha, dreams are incredibly weird. What is your subconscious trying to tell you? Perhaps you have some movie/television obsession?