I remember racing home from the bus just so I could catch the last fifteen minutes of Scooby and the gang before my mother would flip the channel to Phil Donahue at 4pm. I learned a lot from Phil, but I also learned some important stuff from Scooby too. I have always loved Scooby Doo and over the years I've grown to appreciate the values this beloved show has taught me.
1. Monsters are really just ordinary people.
2. You don't have to be beautiful to be cool.
3. A smart woman almost always saves the day.
4. Loyalty will get you everywhere.
5. You have to look deeper than the surface to see the truth.
6. True friends always have your back even when you're stoned or just plain stupid.
7. Over-eating will lead to a tummy ache every time.
8. Don't try to be too trendy, stick to a look that suits your personality.
9. When life get's overwhelming; sit back relax and enjoy a light snack.
10. You can learn a lot from meddlesome kids.
My darling son would also like it to be known that there should be a number eleven. So in honor of making him happy here is number eleven.
11. Scooby Snacks are really good!
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