“Good things come in small packages,” my mother always told me.
I always feel so “big” inside that I forget just how darn short I am until I see a pic of myself standing next to someone that I assume is about my height.

Everyone has outgrown me my entire life. My younger sister, all my cousins, my friends, everyone. I, however, never really realize it until I see that trusty pic.
Being as short as I am tends to bring out my inner bitch. I mean you have to stand up for yourself on a regular basis when you're only five feet. I look up at those tall people, wag my finger, and stomp my foot.
He has started patting me on the head, a treasonous act if ever there was one! The worst part is that.....well, I love it!
I love that he is growing up! My baby is no longer the small kid in his class. He doesn't have “play dates” he “hangs out.” He can hold his own in an intellectual conversation!
Now, back to my shortness.....I love being short. I even love that I have to climb on a stool to grab the cereal. Capri pants are full length for me, could anything be better (unless they go out of style)?
Thirty something years later, I secretly love it when they think she is older, although it's probably my maturity level and not my stature that sway them into thinking this.
So you can imagine my surprise when my thirteen year old son, was suddenly towering over me. It seems like it happened over night, but of course there were years of growing involved.
He has started patting me on the head, a treasonous act if ever there was one! The worst part is that.....well, I love it!
I love that he is growing up! My baby is no longer the small kid in his class. He doesn't have “play dates” he “hangs out.” He can hold his own in an intellectual conversation!
Now, back to my shortness.....I love being short. I even love that I have to climb on a stool to grab the cereal. Capri pants are full length for me, could anything be better (unless they go out of style)?
I've been short all my life. I was born short, two months premature and a little fighter from the beginning. I'm told that I never stopped moving as a tiny infant and that when all the other babies were soundly sleeping, I was wiggling away in my incubator.

Four days shy of my second birthday my mom and dad had another baby, my wonderful sister Shannon Renee'. When Shan was born, two weeks after her due date, we were just about the same size. As little girls people often assumed we were twins, which made me very very mad.
Thirty something years later, I secretly love it when they think she is older, although it's probably my maturity level and not my stature that sway them into thinking this.
No matter what, I'm happy being me. Bitchy, silly, and short...it's just me.
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