Wednesday, March 12, 2014

The Walking Dead, The Ten Things I Wonder...Do You?

I love The Walking Dead. I think it's brilliant and edgy. The actors are incredible. The makeup, the gross, is awesome. The fact that they can make continuous attacks from "walkers" entertaining and fresh. There are, however a few little things that cross my mind as I'm watching every week. Do you ever wonder any of these?


I know it's the zombie apocalypse and all, but where did all the cool cars go?


Why do they never, grab some deodorant when there out looking for useful things? They really look like they need it for heaven's sake.


In the history of television and film has there ever been a sexy "Darryl" before? "I'm Larry, this is my brother Darryl, and this is my other brother Darryl."


Life must get pretty boring, why not raid the nearest library every once in a while?


I don't know about you, but I think I'd be collecting some portable Hibachis or some other type of BBQ. The apocalypse would be a great excuse to get your grill going. Don't all humans love a good BBQ?


Rick has gone crazy, made crappy decisions, and has often been a real asshole. Why do I still trust him so much?


Why aren't those zombie corpses covered in nasty flies and loaded with maggots? Isn't that nature's way?


Is it humanly possible to have eaten that entire pudding? I'm pretty sure I would have at least tried too Carl!


I understand that few animals have survived the zombies, but what about birds? Zombies can't climb trees, and birds are not easy to catch, especially for slow-ass 'walkers."


I don't know about you, but in case there is ever an apocalypse like this one,  I'm heading for the nearest giant lake. Once on the water, I will live on a house boat enjoying fishing, and sunbathing. The lake will keep me clean and happy. Walkers don't like water and you could float-free from mean humans as well. I'd have a trusty little speed boat for those "I must get to land moments" of course. Why hasn't anyone run across some nice boating community?

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

A Thousand Words

Photographs carry us through life. There are the pictures of our babyhood, graduations, wedding or weddings, and everything in between.

All I have to do is look around my house to stir up a whirlwind of emotion. Above my dining table hangs a treasured picture of my mom, and in my living room hangs a portrait of my son when he was three, a rare moment when I allowed him to play in the mud; my nephew at five blissfully experiencing snow for the first time, and a mantle filled with wonderful clips from the past.

My family has always been full of photographers. Amateurs like me who just love taking a pretty shot and professionals like my cousins. 

My grandfather owned his own studio, back in the day, where he experimented with  all kinds of photographic wonder. Therefore I've been lucky to have a rich assortment of family photos over the years. 

My mother loved photography. How I think she would marvel over the digital world we live in now. No more waiting to see how the rolls come out, instant reward in the palm of your hand, the ability to edit and instantly share your world with a friend.

I'm so very thankful to have an amazingly beautiful view of my childhood through her photographs, and I hope that my son will appreciate the photos I will someday leave for him.

One of my son's friends walked into my house a few years ago and said, "Wow coming here is like walking into a memory museum."

What a wonderful compliment, one I hope to always live up too.

My Grandpa with his trusty camera in hand.